First Annual – Day Eleven

It’s done!

My son and I came up this evening as Kevin (the DFC pres) was returning and the plan was to get the aileron linkages all finished up.

I gotta admit, it was great hearing the radial of the Stearman crossing midfield, so we all (of course) went outside to watch the approach and landing (I gave you a 9 Kevin).  While Kevin got the Stearman tied up, we got the engine cowls put back in place, and tested the plugin intercom that we’ll be using for now until I can get the new radio installed.

Kevin had a plan in mind for the ailerons, so I was the extra hands/fingers for the operation, and we even got my son involved (smallest hands of the group).  The bellcranks went quickly enough, it was the final connection to the actual ailerons that was a total bear to deal with.  After about an hour for each (we’re just talking about a single cramped connection), they were done.  After the grunt work was done, Kevin and I made the rounds of the flight control changes for the dual sign-off inspection that is required.  It was nice turning that last screw on the final inspection plate and calling it all done (except for tomorrow’s paperwork and flight test of course)…

All told, we were there for about 5 hours (there was a short 30 minute break while we watched one of Action Ultralights‘ students complete his first solo (way to go Kel)) I fashioned some small cover plates for the holes in the ailerons, attached them, and buttoned it all back up.

The best part was finally pulling the plane out of Kevin’s hanger for the last time, firing it up, and taxiing back over to our own hanger.  Tired, and physically exhausted (it’s a lot of work fussing over small bolts, washers, cotter pins, etc.), we stowed our stuff and drove home.

“Thanks” just doesn’t cover how grateful our family is to the members of the DFC and especially to Kevin for; physical help, encouragement, use of his hangar, various parts, knowledge, and the list just goes on and on.  Next year’s annual will be a breeze after all this, and barring anything unforseen will take the normal 1-2 days, we’re all looking forward to it!


First Annual – Day Eleven — 1 Comment

  1. So proud of you babe!!! So glad the annual is now done & as soon as you do the test flight, we can go up & fly our plane:)

    Thank you, our DFC family, for your help! Thank you so much to Kevin!!! Your help is so appreciated!!!!!!!!!

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