We came up to get that alternator installed, and to paint the back of the propeller.
The alternator was giving me some issues, and Kevin made it up for a bit, so I quickly shot the two coats of flat black on the prop so we could get it installed.
While waiting for the paint to dry, Kevin and I looked at the aileron slop. The original configuration had some connections that were causing the slop, and as there’s four connections per aileron in the linkages, they were all adding up to about a half inch of play in each aileron, that’s a potential 1″ of flutter in a dive! Kevin went to the very large spare nut/bolt box and came up with the needed bolts, castle nuts, and washers to get this taken care of. He’s offered to do this repair for me which is happily accepted.
When the prop was mostly dry, we mounted it on the plane (with those brand new shiny bolts). We did a prop tracking and found it’s within limits, but we may decide to replace the homebuilt backplate/spinner as I found a crack starting in the spinner as well.