First Annual – Day One

Ashton and I came up to the airport to start the process of doing the annual inspection on the plane.  Firstly, a big thanks to the club president Kevin Maher for offering his enclosed, large hangar for this process.  He had just finished a three-month (yes) annual on his buddy’s Stearman, and would be empty for the week or so I’d be needing it etc…

After sweeping out the general left-overs from the previous annual, we taxied the plane over and pulled it into the hangar.

This first day was basically pulling off all the inspection plates, and the fuselage top sheet metal.  Lastly, we took off the engine cowls, wing join covers and the propeller spinner.

After all the above was done, I made sure I had the journey log available for recording the various entries, and grabbed my copy of the engine manuals for reference during the inspection.

A little later than I should have, I called around trying to source the oil filter I need, only to find that I’ll be firing off an Aircraft Spruce order for it 🙁

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