On the third day of the annual, I decided it was time to “…get on with it…” and started tackling items one at a time.
I stopped in at Duncan Auto for the replacement alternator belt, but the replacement alternator will have to wait as the auto-electric store is closed on the weekends… With the new alternator belt installed, I was able to re-install the starter.
With a little help from Gary from Action Ultralights, I determined the torque settings for the case bolts (finding an engine manual was a great help). Making the rounds of everything I could get a wrench on, I made sure they were torqued properly (only 4 needed tightening). After torquing them all down, I applied some coloured marking paint to indicate any bolt movement in the future.
Sean (another DFC member) came around and was able to show me how to grease the tailwheel. We had some difficulty removing the grease gun from one of the grease nipples, but we got it re-attached and proceeded with the process.
Some other DFC members (thanks Dean and Brent) donated some un-used instruments for the front cockpit, so I took the time to get them installed. The front cockpit looks great with it’s new ASI and Altimeter. These went beside the previously installed compass, just need a turn indicator and to plumb these new instruments into the pitot/static system!
I spent some time before heading home outlining what I’ve done vs. what still needs to be done. Once the parts arrive, I’ll be able to spend just a day or two more finishing things up! Next year will go much faster now that I know what I’m doing 🙂